NanoInnovation 2021 has been really honoured to host, on September 24, the Lectio Magistralis by Dr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with a talk on “My adventures in the ribosome: Nature's amazing nanomachine”. At the end of his lecture, in the beautiful setting of the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo, Dr. Ramakrishnan signed the copies of his latest book “Gene Machine”, recently translated in Italian by Adelphi as “La macchina del gene”, to the numerous participants who attended the conference.
On the occasion, DoppioZero web magazine interviewed Dr. Ramakrishnan, talking about the book, the Nobel Prize but, above all, about his future scientific and editorial projects. Read the complete interview on www.doppiozero.com
Due to persistence of Covid-19 epidemic situation, the VI edition of NanoInnovation has been held from 21 to 24 September 2021 again in a hybrid way. The organizers have structured the event with the purpose of ensuring a wide participation, while keeping a strict respect of the rules for health protection and against the epidemic diffusion. The event has been a success, going beyond the results of the previous years, in terms of diversity of themes addressed, networking opportunities and participation. As in our tradition, the conference has been hosted by the usual venue, in the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, well-equipped to allow the streaming connection from all the conference rooms. This dual channel organization has been again really appreciated by the delegates who attended the Conference sessions and the connected events...
Read more ...Also this year, following the success of the previous three editions, the event "Open Innovation and Open Science" will be organized during NanoInnovation, thus reaching its fourth edition. It was decided, for continuity, to maintain the same title, but the contents and aims of the 2021 edition have been revised and reconfigured to keep in...
Read more ...NanoInnovation 2021 is honored to host the lectio magistralis by Prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Nobel laureate in Chemistry in 2009. His talk “My adventures in the ribosome: Nature's amazing nanomachine”,will illustrate the molecular architecture and the mechanism of the ribosome. A function central to all living organisms will be described together with the methods used to achieve this fundamental scientific advancement.
Read more ...Il programma di aggiornamento sulle applicazioni dei nanomateriali e delle nanotecnologie in ambito ingegneristico ha una durata totale di quattro giorni. Le lezioni si svolgeranno in presenza presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale della Sapienza Università di Roma, ma sarà possibile seguirle anche ...
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The course is dedicated to Master degree and Ph.D students, as well as to scientists working in the wide field of micro- and nano-technology, offering the opportunity to learn about fundamentals on processes, devices fabrication and characterization processes, with attention to both planar and 3D technologies ...
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Many thematic workshops are scheduled on September 22 – 23 and they will range from the innovation for the energy transition to innovative approaches in clinical needs and agri-food, from the responsible industry for a better future to cultural heritage and additive manufacturing!
Join leading technology and solution providers at the national meeting built for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the development of micro and nanotechnologies and their integration with other key enabling technologies (KETs), across all fields of application. Discover our first exhibitors...
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This year, the conference will focus in cross-cutting way on different topics, not necessarily related to micro-and nanotechnologies. The impact of technologies and innovations broadly speaking on science and production will revolutionise many sectors such as security, food safety and environmental technology...
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Combining different analytical methods into one instrument is of great importance for the simultaneous acquisition of complementary information. Especially highly localized probing of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, and crystallographic properties on the nanoscale represents a key success factor for gaining new insights into the micro and nano-world ...
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The satellite event during NanoInnovation 2021, will cover an introduction to Precession enhanced Phase & Orientation mapping for TEM (4D-Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction – 4D-SPED*). ASTAR is like the traditional EBSD method in SEM, and the major benefit is the spatial resolution that can be up to 1-3 nm (in case of FEG-TEM). Such resolution makes the application unique...
Read more ...Following the success of the previous five editions, the promoting organizations AIRI and NanoItaly Association are delighted to announce the next edition of NanoInnovation, scheduled on 21-24 September 2021 in Rome in the traditional venue of the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of “Sapienza” University of Rome in ...
Read more ...In recent years, the role of research infrastructures as providers of high-level instrumentation and highly specialized skill has strongly increased owing to the need of optimum management of extremely expensive instrumentation of high complexity. The corresponding modification in the management of the research activity where the laboratory results have to be integrated with experiments ...
Read more ...Laboratorio NEST of Scuola Normale Superiore is proud to present at NanoInnovation 2021 the NEST Prize for research in nanoscience, edition 2020. Sponsorized by Rivoira, a company of Nippon Gas Group, the purpose of the NEST Prize is to promote and recognize the activity of young scientists (less than 35 years old) working in Italy on nanoscience field, represented by a submitted ...
Read more ...Nanomedicine has the potential to drastically change the way patients will be treated in the upcoming years: numerous benefits, including improved efficacy, bioavailability, dose–response, targeting ability, personalization, and safety compared to conventional medicines can be hypothesized. The Nanomedicine Course is dedicated...
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In this Poster Session, you can find a complete list of posters selected by the Steering Committee on the basis of the scientific quality of the researches. In this virtual gallery, all participants can read the Poster and watch the Poster presentation clip.
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Today science, technology and innovation are the engine of development all over the world. In a complex and fast-changing world, researchers can contribute to face all big challenges ahead. For this reason, new generations of researchers and scientists are key to world’s future development ...
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The NanoInnovation 2021 program is gradually taking shape. Check our site to discover workshops, symposia and all their updates! The articulation of the Plenary Sessions, Schools and other Networking activities, although still provisional, is in progress and will be available soon!
In occasione di questo evento, organizzato dall'Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro e da ADRITELF, si analizzeranno, a 9 mesi di distanza dalle prime somministrazioni, gli aspetti tecnici e regolatori che hanno portato all'approvazione dei vaccini ad oggi disponibili.
The pandemic infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, currently affecting worldwide more than 129 million of people with more than 3 million of deaths (WHO March 28th, 2021 weekly report), has dramatically highlighted the importance of availability of technologies allowing rapid molecular diagnostic tests for ...
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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are two of the most used, complementary techniques for surface analysis at the nanoscale. Combining them by integrating a compact AFM into SEM brings novel possibilities for true correlative microscopy and advanced multi-modal sample characterization that would be often ...
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The meaningful collaboration between NanoInnovation and APRE- Italian Agency for the Promotion of European Research - is renewed for the sixth consecutive year. On the 23rd of September NanoInnovation 2021 conference will offer different chances for presenting your ideas and meet potential research and business partners. The networking event is the best way to meet potential ...
Read more ...Despite the Covid-19 epidemic situation, the V edition of NanoInnovation has been held regularly from 15 to 18 September 2020. The organizers have structured the event with the purpose of ensuring a wide participation while keeping a strict respect of the rules for health protection and against the epidemic diffusion. To this purpose, the Conference has been structured by ...
Read more ...Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, only some initiatives of NanoInnovation will be held at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, located in Via Eudossiana 18, in the historic centre of the city, directly overlooking the Coliseum and next to the ancient Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli, home to Michelangelo’s statue of Moses. All other initiatives will be...
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